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Development course of large capacity cubic ice machine
View:29 Jul 02, 2019  

Before the invention of  large capacity cube ice machine, without refrigeration technology, people in ancient times wanted to store food in their underground cellar in winter. They moved pieces of ice into the cellar in the frozen river, and then put the food to be preserved in the ice cellar in order to keep food fresh and preserved. However, snow is more in the north, and there is no snow and ice in the subtropical region of the south for 365 days a year. It is conceivable that it was more difficult to preserve food in the south for a longer time at that time.

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The inventor of the cubic ice machine is Dr. John Gorry of the United States. Dr. John Gorey is a doctor, scientist, inventor and humanist. He showed the ice maker to the world in 1851 and obtained the design patent of the large capacity cube ice machine. Although Dr. Gorley has never applied the large capacity cube ice machine to the commercial field, he is considered the father of refrigeration. In addition, he invented the air cooling system in Florida Hospital. But Dr. Gorry was not the only inventor of the large capacity cube ice machine. Alexander Downing in 1853 and James Harrison in 1855 Australia were also inventors of the ice machine. The two inventors also received patents related to the technology of the large capacity cube ice machine. Seth-Rowe invented the first commercial large-capacity cubic ice machine in 1866 and applied it in commerce. This is the first commercial large capacity cube ice machine.

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